Greetings, I entered a serious education period about astrology in 2020, I find it appropriate to share my ASTROLOGY page, which I wrote and created on 23.02.2023, on my company website. In the near future, I will take my place in the Astrology Community with my works, insha'Allah.
I was also interested in astrology from my high school period, this increased even more with an astrologer friend. I learned my birth time with my birth card request petition from the hospital where I was born in 2010 and created my birth chart. My lack of interest in reading books made me progress very slowly in astrology. WE SHOULD READ A BOOK, BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT IS APPLICATION... Especially with what I learned from the valuable astrologers I followed on Youtube after 2018, I realized the medical danger in the natal chart of a relative of mine who was in PLUTO square PLUTO period (medical findings appeared in the first and second squares of transit pluto and growing) and I advised him to have an emergency surgery before the challenging period as Transit. My relative involved urgently went into research and recovered as a result of surgery by a plastic surgeon doctor. This event is a milestone for me in terms of astrology.
I decided to receive training from the MINISTER OF ASTROLOGY, İLKER ŞAHİN, who caught my attention with the start of the pandemic process. I also received basic training for 1 semester from ASTROLOGIST KENAN YASİN. I would like to thank them and my other astrology teachers, I wish them health, well-being, a peaceful, pleasant, fruitful life and happiness in both worlds. I love my teachers, the people I have learned, and they are valuable to me.
I have 3 registered trademarks with my career knowledge. I want to be active in the field of astrology in the near future and I would like to share these documents here.
I have 3 brand in TÜRKİYE about astrology. Thats fantastic for me...
ASTROLOG MUHAMMET KOÇAK, 23.02.2023, 23:53
- Basic level astrology education
- Advanced level astrology education
- Horary astrology education certificate
- Geographical astrology education certificate
- Time selection astrology education certificate
- Financial astrology education certificate
- ASTRO TRADING astrology education certificate
- Relationship astrology education certificate
- Medicale astrology education certificate
- Mundane astrology education certificate
#astrology #astrolojgyworkshop #astrologyagenda #astrologycalendar #astrologer
date: 23.02.2023, 23:53, location: istanbul
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